
Elastic Bands
Elastic bands have been mistaken as toys or as providing a lesser quality of exercise. In fact, some of the best exercises for the muscles of the trunk involve the use of elastic bands or tubes. Elastic bands come in many different resistances, so they can accommodate a variety of people, from beginners to pros. They are great for those on the move who may carry with them just one or two different bands to attain a wide range of exercises; just fold one band in two and you have immediately doubled its resistance. Neat.
For this fitness routine I recommend placing three solid hooks on a wall at different heights. Locate the high one a few inches above your head, the middle one at shoulder level, and the lower one at knee height. An iron gate or a fence constitutes a reasonable alternative to place the bands; just make sure it's a solid connection. Warning: elastic bands do hurt if they come loose, and they can cause serious injury if not properly secured.
Although it appears redundant, repeating the exercises from all three different heights works on distinct muscle groups.
The exercise pictured here, the Rotated Outward Pull is my favorite one in this series, simple and straightforward, but very effective. It opens the chest, stabilizes the shoulder blades, and increases posture awareness.

Elastic Bands

Upper Band Position

Middle Band Position

Low Band Position

No Wall Required
